Structures, Dredging & Fill, and Tidal Wetlands Permit and 401 WQC Application for West Beach Coastal Engineering Services, Boat Ramp Replacement Project, City of Stamford, submitted January 28, 2019.
Please click *here*
To review the Cummings Park & West Beach Waterfront Planning Study (May 2015) prepared by Roberge Associates Coastal Engineers (RACE), please click *here*
Two surveys were conducted to gather public input: the first at the beginning of the design process to collect general information, and the second to get responses to draft concepts presented at Public Planning meeting #2 (held October 28, 2014). Please click *here* for a printable version of the draft concepts.
Survey results:
Survey #1, conducted August 26 - October 28, 2014 (502 responses). Please Click *here* to see results.
Map of Survey #1 response locations by street - please click *here* to view.
Survey #2, conducted December 5, 2014 - January 18, 2015 (340 responses). Please click *here* to see results.
Map of Survey #2 response locations by street - please click *here* to view.
April 23, 2015:
This third and final public planning meeting featured the presentation of the master concept plan, the culmination of almost a year's work during which the designers from Stantec Consuting Services processed input from the public, City staff, and land use boards; evaluated alternatives; and designed concept ideas and alternatives to create a final design. Gary Sorge, the lead designer, lead the meeting and described how the outreach had informed the final design. He then went through the plan, describing the major concepts included in the master plan:
Bicycle & Vehicular Circulation
Natural Environment, Beaches and Promenade
Food and Recreation Concessions
Play Fields
Marina, Restrooms
Playground Environments/Destination Play
Main features of the redesign include a reduction of approximately 2.6 acres of pervious surface (accomplished with parking reorganization and low-impact design practices; maintaining existing parking totals); enhancement of naturalized habitat by linking upland woodlands to the shoreline with a continuous buffer along the west edge of the park; increased and enhanced access for pedestrians and bicyclists from Shippan and Sound View Aves.; upgrades to the pavilions and beach fronts in both parks to enhance the parks’ greatest assets; creation of a mobile food vendor area near the Cummings pavilion linked to the renovation of the pavilion and re-use of the second story level as an outdoor cafe; consolidation of Fields 4 & 5 to create one, lighted, multi-use field; relocation of marina access to the east side to consolidate parking, simplify traffic flow and allow more beneficial use of the west side parking lot as a significant recreation amenity; updating of the boat launch in West Beach to accommodate two boats simultaneously and refinement of the associated parking area; potential introduction of a transient dock in Cummings Park as a complementary use to the west end pavilion; renovation of existing bathrooms and addition of new restrooms at strategic locations (soccer fields, marina/fields 4&5, possibly at baseball fields); and increased resiliency to sea level rise and increased storm intensity (essentially integrated with design to avoid vulnerability).
Take a look at the PowerPoint presentation.
To view final master concept plan, please click *here*
October 28, 2014:
Gary Sorge, the lead designer from Stantec Consulting Services, lead the meeting and described the results of the outreach done to date (public planning meeting on June 17th, project survey conducted August-September, interviews with stakeholders & City staff), described the major topics brought forth by the outreach, and presented some preliminary sketches of the main elements.
Take a look at the PowerPoint presentation.
June 17, 2014:
This meeting was dedicated to getting information from the public. Stantec came up with some ideas while studying the park, some of which they showed in their PowerPoint presentation, although they had not done any formal design work up to this point. After the presentation, the attendees broke up into groups to discuss what they felt were the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the parks and the marina. Please click here to view a summary of the input provided at the meeting.
January 20, 2015:
The Stamford Harbor Management Commission regulates and monitors water front development, and encourages the retention of water front industries and recreational uses in all parts of the Stamford Harbor Management Area. Gary Sorge, of Stantec Consulting Services, made a joint presentation with Roberge Associates Coastal Engineers (RACE) on the master plan for the parks and marina, with a focus on review of the draft plans for the reconstruction of the marina and the beach resiliency planning study.
Click Here to view the PowerPoint presentation.
For background on the issues associated with making our beaches more resilient, please click on the link below to a look at a report done by graduate students at Columbia University in 2013 titled Opportunities for Climate Resilience: The Beaches of Stamford, Connecticut:
Click Here for report (PDF)